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Luis G Nelson
Partner, Yolovivo
Member for 3 Years
Joined August 2021
Verified member
2 events
Bilbao, Spain
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Part of yolovivo, new start up live streaming community


  • Hi Andrey, welcome to travel Massive and the best for your start up . I wonder about the languages used , countries such as Panama …

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    InRadius 1 year ago

  • Thanks Ale, we are also looking for hosts with unique local experiences to share. We will keep you guys posted.

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    yolovivo 2 years ago

  • HI Olga, This is Luis G Nelson from yolovivo-- Panama. Is it possible you contact me ? thanks a lot. Luis

  • Thanks Macartan.. I am in Panama.. but commuting between Africa and the Americas. You can write to me We would love to learn more about this project. Actually my sister has a hotel near the jungle of Panama towards Colombia. Three na... show more

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    yolovivo 2 years ago

  • Hi Fuad, thanks ,, That is a great idea.

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    yolovivo 2 years ago
