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Tom Buckley
Chief Commercial Officer & Co-Founder, Dune7
⭐️ Community Leader 🤘 Rockstar
Member for 9 Years
Joined January 2015
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About me

Tom is cofounder of Dune7, a digital strategy and brand marketing agency that sits at the intersection between travel, technology and sustainability. He has over 20 years'+ experience in travel, spanning digital marketing, MarTech and publishing. He specializes in helping brands bridge the gap between marketing, technology and data.

Where do you dream of traveling to?

To see snow leopards, blue sheep and orchids on the mountain paths of Nepal

What was your first travel job?

A founding Editor at covering the most happening events around the world. Whatsonwhen was acquired by Frommer's and following that Google.


  • Hi Jason, thanks for the outreach. The best place to share it with the Travel Massive community is by submitting a post, so we can feature it. You can learn all about it in the "How to post?" guide here:

  • Great to have you as our special guest of honor, @Ian. And a pleasure to have so many industry peeps in from out of town and fellow Chapter Leaders too. Everyone please stay tuned for some exciting programming we'll be announcing very soon.

  • Thanks David. Exciting to hear about the trajectory of your new single day-, soon to be multi-day- , venture, WeVenture. I have no doubt you are going to smash it. Exciting times ahead.

  • Thanks everyone for making it out for a really fun evening. Watch this space as we plan more gatherings and programming. And if you have any ideas we are all ears too! 👉 Did you attend? Share some of your favorite moments from the evening below.

  • Here is an important resource, compiled by our client Sherpa, on various countries which have indicated that they are facilitating entry or offering asylum to Ukrainian nationals. Official information is quite fragmented but this support page may be use... show more