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Malia Yoshioka
Freelance Food & Travel Writer, Shoyu Sugar
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Member for 9 Years
Joined April 2015
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About me

A Hawaii girl traveling the world, one salty-sweet adventure at a time. Sharing the flavors at

Current home: Istanbul, Turkiye.

What is your favorite travel destination?

Current Top 5: Turkey, Ecuador, New Zealand, Japan, France

Where do you dream of traveling to?

Anywhere and everywhere - I dream with all my senses...

What was your first travel job?

Food Tour Guide in Honolulu, Hawaii


  • Yes, I do - especially when it comes to food. =) It's so much more useful to be able to view the menu in the language of my destination vs the less descriptive (and sometimes mistranslated) English version. At the very least, I'll add the language on Du... show more

  • I’m from Hawaii, the only full marathon I’ve ever run is the Honolulu Marathon. Mostly because I’m slow and there’s no time limit, but also it’s a beautiful course starting off with fireworks at 5am (it does get hot later so the early start is welcome!)... show more


