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Robson Cadore
Co-Founder & Photographer, Love and Road
🤘 Rockstar 🚀 Top 4%
Member for 9 Years
Joined April 2015
Verified member
6 events
Phuket, Thailand
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About me

Content creator, photographer, and video maker at, an award-winning travel blog.
Creating content in English and Portuguese for Tourism Boards and travel brands.
Surfer, runner and triathlete.

What is your favorite travel destination?


What was your first travel job?


What do you want to learn more about?

Writing & Photography


  • So hard to pick only 5, these are my memorable ones: 1 - Along Po River, Turin - Italy 2 - Chinatown, Bangkok - Thailand 3 - Beach Promenade, Balneario Camboriu - Brazil 4 - Snow run in Brandnertal - Austria 5 - Marrakech Medina, Morocco I used to do... show more

  • Facebook groups for expats and Facebook Marketplace are helpful. Found our last 2 "homes" in Thailand on FB.

  • Hi Rick, I agree 100% that Jaume and his team are the best. Regarding the event in Phuket, let's say there was room for improvement.  Spending almost 1 hour, each way, on the bus to attend the opening party doesn't sounds logical to me. There are doze... show more

  • Hi Erin, "Au contraire", I find TBEX events more useful to beginners. Although I'm not a big fan of TBEX, my perspective is that they put the show for the sponsors and not the bloggers/creators. I've been to TBEX Costa Brava which was great, well orga... show more

  • Hello Ian, How was your trip? Any finds you wanna share?
