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James Wark
Manager, Unearthed Retreats
Member for 3 Years
Joined September 2021
Verified member
1 event
Sunshine Coast, Queensland Australia
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About me

I'm the founder of an online travel and tourism marketplace Unearthed Retreats. Unearthed Retreats was established in August 2021 and was founded to provide a platform where people can more easily locate and book fulfilling experiences which give people the opportunity to learn, explore and experience ideas, skills and interests in a purposeful way.

Living on the Sunny Coast and enjoying my home.


  • Bushtime Festival, at Woodfordia. This is a folky art and music festival just outside Brisbane, Australia. Plenty of unique and quirky characters, which means plenty of fun conversations.

  • Two types if travel will emerge for 2022 and these will correlate along age lines. MEANINGFUL TRAVEL - Ages – 20y/o – 60y/o People are aware now more then ever that TIME is the most valuable THING they OWN. They will choose to SPEND THAT TIME on what ... show more

  • Tashi and the founders have added huge value to Unearthed Retreats. It allowed us to go from concept to product and launch in <3months, removing a large portion of the challenge involved in product development. Huge value for money as well!

    Profile picture

    Tashi 2 years ago

  • Two is a start, three and we'll be having to make a reservation : )

  • If you want epic experience can't look much further then: On the Trail of Genghis Khan - Tim Cope - Horse Trek form Mongolia to Romania (Took three years) Mystery of the Nile - First descent of the Nile https://macgillivrayf... show more
