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Averil Huck
Founder & tour guide, Prague Feminist Tours
Joined 10 months ago
Member since January 2024
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About me

Sightseeing, but make it feminist 💪 'Prague Feminist Tours' is my new baby project. It's a walking tour to (re)discover Prague from a unique perspective.

With a gender studies background and three years of experience as a research assistant at the National Contact Point for Gender & Science, I invite you to look at my favourite city, Prague, with gender lenses.

Why did you join the community?

I'd love to connect with Prague and EU-based tour guides, travel bloggers and other travel workers to learn from their experiences and exchange.

What is your favorite travel destination?

Not sure I have one 🤔 Prague is pretty amazing!

Where do you dream of traveling to?

Canada, Norway, Peru, Mongolia

What was your first travel job?

My first job is my current one 🤗 Founder and tour guide at Prague Feminist Tours

What do you want to learn more about?

I'd love to learn more about fellow guides' experiences, successes and hardships. I'd also want to learn about ethical and sustainable tourism practices.

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Raise our awareness


