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Manon David
Product developer, GetAboutAble
Member for 3 Years
Joined March 2021
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2 events
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About me

I'm an event coordinator and product developer at GetAboutAble. We believe in making tourism & leisure accessible for all. We advocate for inclusivity and accessibility to become mainstream so everyone can live an adventurous life, free of barriers and stigma. We know that this is a huge & sustainable opportunity for growth in the tourism sector in the coming years.

What is your favorite travel destination?

Marseille, France or Rome, Italy

Where do you dream of traveling to?


What was your first travel job?


What do you want to learn more about?

Accessible & Inclusive tourism

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Open mindedness, wonder, meetings


  • Thank you for your nice comment Florence! Let us know if you have any questions.

    Profile picture

    GetAboutAble 1 year ago

  • Good luck! I'm happy to see the number of entrants though so I guess it's the price of glory!

  • So excited to see this new batch of finalists! And it's amazing to see accessibility features mentioned across almost all of them!

  • Mathew and the team and Nature Freedom are doing an amazing job!

    Profile picture

    Nature Freedom 1 year ago

  • This is an amazing organisation and program! The whole travel community would benefit from learning with them.
