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Elaine Villatoro
Founder & Content Creator, Live More, Travel More
🔥 Top 12%
Member for 4 Years
Joined July 2020
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About me

- Content creator encouraging people to value life experiences through traveling since 2014 at Live More, Travel More (Portuguese & English content)
- Travel Massive's Responsible Tourism Chapter Leader
- Travel Writer - Skyscanner Brazil

Why did you join the community?

I would like to learn with you all and to share what I know =) People need people!

What is your favorite travel destination?

Namibia and Bhutan

Where do you dream of traveling to?

Uganda, Antarctica, Raja Ampat

What was your first travel job?

Content creator. Unless you consider being an au pair abroad a travel job as well =)

What do you want to learn more about?

Responsible travel (learn and share)

Three words that describe why we should travel?

live, learn, experience


  • Thanks Shelly =)

  • Thank you Rodrigo =D

  • Thanks Anne =D

  • Hey guys, I would like to share great news with all of you =) On December 3rd, during the Braztoa's Sustainable Award in Brazil, our blog "Live More, Travel More" won an honorable mention in the Media Category for our Brazilian Destination Guides. How... show more

  • 2023 will be a year of: - Detox Family Focused Trips: Travelers will travel slow to nature destinations where they can disconnect from electronics and slow down while connecting to nature and family members. Smartphones and tv won't be allowed, neither ... show more
