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Joined 9 months ago
Member since October 2023
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About me

Building a portfolio of niche hospitality businesses.

Why did you join the community?

Interested to meet travel startup founders in Amsterdam.


  • Thank you for the suggestions, really appreciate it! 1. I created this "Analyze page" just a few days ago to see the interest, a lot of room for improvement! All good points you mentioned. 2. Amazing idea, will add it. 3. Yes, but not yet decided how... show more

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    Buy That Hotel 3 months ago

  • Hey, this idea has been sitting in my head for a long time—so much room for disruption. The first version is very simple—we track hotels for sales on Portuguese listing sites, then curate them and enrich the data. Try it out over at https://BuyThatHo... show more

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    Buy That Hotel 3 months ago

  • Nice project! I used chatgpt to write Airbnb listing/descriptions for my father's apartment :)

  • Is your PhD thesis somewhere available to read online?

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    Hotel Nuggets 8 months ago

  • I used to work in an R&D of a hotel management software company what gave me opportunity to talk with many innovative hotels. I'm passionate in researching how hotels operate, what some do differently than others. The market has changed a lot in the l... show more

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    Hotel Nuggets 8 months ago
