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Deb Lace- Kelly
Communications Specialist, The Lost Compass
⭐️ Premium Member
Member for 5 Years
Joined May 2019
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About me

I'm a Communications Specialist working with sustainable travel companies, environmental organizations, and wilderness outfitters to help their businesses shine and their true message stand out. I hold a Professional Certification in Sustainable Tourism from the GSTC. Expanding on my careers in television journalism, and the university as a media production & communications Prof, I created The Lost Compass - an organization that connects travellers with rewarding opportunities in wildlife conservation, cultural preservation, & education. Through that beacon I met other sustainable travel platforms & worked with an incredible network of writers around the world as Managing Editor. Collaboration through like-minded sustainability travellers has been the name of the game!

Why did you join the community?

I’m creating travel projects that combine exploration, conservation, and art, in a way that honours the planet & our wandering souls