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Federica Bruniera
Translator, Copywriter/Blogger, Ikigai Translations
🤘 Rockstar
Member for 6 Years
Joined April 2018
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12 events
Fully remote
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About me

I'm Federica, I am an Italian digital nomad loosely based between Colombia and Italy, with an ongoing love story with Japan. I offer translation services from English, Japanese, Spanish and French into my native Italian to dynamic and innovative businesses in the travel industry that want to stand out and make a difference in the world. I blog about my travels as The Globetrottoise, where I focus on slow, sustainable and regenerative travel that gives back to the local communities. I also volunteer as a Climate Fresk facilitator, offering workshops to raise awareness about the climate crisis. My superpowers, according to colleagues/clients/friends, are: curiosity, initiative, spirit of adventure and the incredibly useful ability of tripping and falling everywhere. Nice to connect to you all!

Why did you join the community?

To connect and share ideas with other travel professionals and travel lovers and to learn how to better serve my customers' needs

What is your favorite travel destination?


Where do you dream of traveling to?

South-East Asia, South America, Finland

What was your first travel job?

The translation of a Japanese guesthouse website

What do you want to learn more about?

new trends in the travel industry, understand better the needs of travel companies, hotels, tour operators when it comes to translation/localization for foreign markets

Three words that describe why we should travel?

cultural diversity, thrill, beauty
