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Chris Nam
Chief of Staff, Insured Nomads
Member for 2 Years
Joined July 2022
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About me

Startup enthusiast, neuroscience aficionado.

Why did you join the community?

Loving the travel community


  • Our partners are an extension of our story - we are so grateful for all the contribution they make to creating our brand and telling the world about us! We hope to see our friends from this Travel Massive platform join us as a partner to continue to gro... show more

  • What's your lifestyle like? I live an expat lifestyle: South Korean in the US, lived in Australia and Singapore for a short amount of time. Building something cool at Insured Nomads :)

  • What a great idea for the travel industry! It's easy to use and very organized, with really helpful information to filter from. Would love to chat about partnerships if possible :)

    Profile picture 2 years ago

