· 11 months ago

The Customer Journey Toolkit Your pocket-sized marketing strategy brainstorming buddy

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The Customer Journey Toolkit is a set of pocket sized cards designed to help you plan out a marketing strategy for your customers and clients. There are two versions of the toolkit…

🟢 Travel Journey toolkit: Dreaming, Planning, Booking, Cancellation, Experiencing & Sharing
🔴 Product/service specific toolkit: Awareness, Consider, Purchase, Cancellation/Returns, Retention & Advocacy

💡 Whether you’re brainstorming solo or with a team, this toolkit acts as a catalyst, sparking creativity and fostering unique, innovative ideas.

The toolkits are ready to go into production as soon as we are backed on Kickstarter.

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Founder & Director, Tourism Marketing Agency

Hi Everyone! Hope you can help me make this a reality.

As businesses navigate the ever-evolving landscape of consumer behaviour, the need for a comprehensive marketing strategy has never been more paramount. Enter the Customer Journey Toolkit – a revolutionary tool designed to seamlessly integrate campaigns into every phase of the consumer’s buying journey, unlocking unparalleled marketing potential.

Have you ever found yourself searching for that elusive spark of creativity when marketing your business? Or perhaps you've grappled with visualising the overarching trajectory of your brand? Whether you're a business owner identifying gaps in your strategy or a marketing agency aiming to invigorate client workshops, this toolkit promises to be the catalyst for innovative and unique ideas.

📢 Kickstarter Launch Announcement:

We're thrilled to announce that starting from the 1st of September, the Customer Journey Toolkit will be available on Kickstarter. This launch offers early adopters a unique opportunity to be among the first to experience the transformative power of this toolkit. Whether you're a seasoned marketer, a new or established business or a budding entrepreneur, this is your chance to be part of this groundbreaking toolkit in the world of marketing.

Support us on Kickstarter at www.kickstarter.com/projects/chris-torres/the-customer-journey-toolkit-your-brainstorming-buddy

🧰 A Toolkit for Every Business Size and Stage:

Whether you're a solo entrepreneur, just starting out or a well-established business with a full team behind you, the Customer Journey Toolkit is the perfect companion for businesses at any stage, from those launching fresh into the market to seasoned entities aiming to amplify their revenue. Its versatility ensures that every business, regardless of its size or tenure, can harness its power to craft compelling marketing strategies.

👉 Two Tailored Toolkits to Choose From:

1. Tourism & Travel Toolkit: Ideal for tour operators, travel businesses, marketing agencies, tech companies, consultants, and business coaches. This toolkit offers an immersive exploration of the customer purchase journey, ensuring no stone is left unturned. By integrating this toolkit, businesses can foster a sense of ownership and engagement among staff and guides, making them integral to the company's success.

2. Product & Service Toolkit: Designed for retail businesses, software & subscription services, marketing agencies, B2C and B2B businesses, consultants, and business coaches. This toolkit transforms client meetings into unforgettable interactive sessions, leaving an indelible mark of innovation and creativity.

The Customer Journey Toolkit is more than just a tool – it's your secret weapon. By tailoring marketing strategies to resonate with customers at every touchpoint, businesses can eliminate blind spots and foster a deeper connection between teams and the company vision.

🧐 Meet the Mastermind: Chris Torres

With over 32 years of experience in digital marketing, Chris Torres stands at the forefront of brand consultancy. As the founder of the Tourism Marketing Agency, Chris has dedicated his expertise to the tourism sector, collaborating with some of the industry's most prominent names. His best-selling book, How to Turn your Online Lookers into Bookers, offers invaluable marketing insights tailored for the tours and activities sector. Beyond the written word, Chris hosts two renowned podcasts, The Digital Tourism Show and Tourpreneur, available across various platforms.

11 months ago (edited)
Founder, Travel Massive

Well done Chris and looks like a fantastic product — great to see a physical and tactile product for marketing ideation.

What gave you the idea to create this? This could make for a fun in-person Travel Massive workshop :)

11 months ago
Founder & Director, Tourism Marketing Agency

I have been doing workshops for years and going through this journey with a mountain of PostIt notes. Decided there must be a better way while also providing ideas for strategies. This was born from that idea.

11 months ago
Founder + CEO, Conscious Travel Collective

Congratulations Chris!! I've always found your marketing expertise spot on, and easy to follow at any stage of business. Excited to get a copy! I know this will be a huge success.

11 months ago
Founder & Director, Tourism Marketing Agency

Hey all

Hope all is well?

Although the Kickstarter was not successful, I am still progressing with a very limited run of the Tourpreneur Customer Journey Toolkit.

We will be taking orders up until the 6th October, after which we will be sending the files off to get printed.

If you want an aid to help you with your marketing strategies, then please do order now to get your copy.

You can order here: customerjourneytoolkit.com

You will be able to choose either the tourism or retail toolkits, or both!

Thanks to those early adopters who have ordered already. Really appreciate it.

11 months ago
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The Customer Journey Toolkit

The Customer Journey Toolkit was posted by Chris Torres in Product , Marketing , Kickstarter , News . Featured on Sep 12, 2023 (11 months ago). The Customer Journey Toolkit is not rated yet.