👋 This chapter needs your help!

Meetups are social gatherings that bring people together to share ideas. When you combine people and ideas, magic happens! New innovations, businesses and friendships are created when we get together. This is why in-person, local meetups are so important for the future of our industry. Plus, they are fun!

The pandemic impacted many of our chapter leaders and community members, and prevented local gatherings from taking place. Cities are open again, so we're rebuilding our network of local meetups.

Travel Massive is the largest international community for tour operators, content creators, and startups to meet freely and collaborate. Local chapters are independently operated by their own members.

If you'd like to take over this group, simply get in contact with us and organize a meetup.

Community Note

Hamburg Travel Massive A travel community in Hamburg

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Hamburg goes beyond trade and seafaring, it is also the home of innovative & creative tourism and travel business and a strong player in Germany´s start-up scene. Water and wind mark our everyday life, we enjoy celebrating the sympathy for our St. Pauli kickers, gazing at our sailors or watching the world through the eyes of artists in several galleries, and one thing is for sure, we all have at least once ended up at the famous fish market, in the Reeperbahn, our red-light district, or watching shipping containers while drinking an Alster beer.

Travel Massive Hamburg looks forward to going away from formal and fixed structures (Yeah! We go from “Sie” to “Du”) and wish to create a room for 3Is: inspiration, involvement and interaction of people that love travelling and want to improve and contribute to Hamburg´s fast-changing and vibrant travel & tourism industry.

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