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Larissa Sartori
Business Development, Melting Travel a brand of Melting Elements GmbH
🔥 Top 10%
Member for 3 Years
Joined April 2021
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About me

I'm Larissa of Loving Travel, a project of Melting Travel. As a full Travel Marketing Agency. We turn the world into a village with the right strategies and campaigns. Loving Travel receives more than 1 million views per month.I look forward to getting in touch with you.

Why did you join the community?

I'm looking for Networking and new Cooperations

What is your favorite travel destination?

Tough question. I love Brazil, I fell in love with Germany, I love traveling through the United States, but the summers are dedicated to the Caribbean countries.

Where do you dream of traveling to?

Currently: Maldives

What was your first travel job?

Content Creator

What do you want to learn more about?

I want to learn more about cross-marketing and underexplored destinations

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Culture, Empathy and Happiness
