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Nabil Kazi
Member for 2 Years
Joined July 2022
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1 comment
Santa Monica, CA
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About me

I’m a global marketing and brand strategist with a passion for story-telling, traveling, street food, music and the thrill of adventure.

I was born in Kuwait and raised in Orange County, California by my parents who are first generation immigrants from India. I was lucky to start traveling before I was one. I’m an alumni of The Ohio State University and my first job was in Hong Kong working for The Walt Disney Company and helping to open the first Disney office in India and Pakistan.

I’ve completed 2 Ironman races and 18 marathons.

I’m now on a journey to visit every country in the world (115/197) and climb the seven summits (1/7).

I'm a solo traveler but looking to network and meet people around the world and share back stories, tips and support each other. I'm also doing marketing workshops around the world.

Why did you join the community?

I'm traveling to every country in the world


  • This is fantastic. just came back from 2 months in europe where I ended up using bus and trains as my main way of transportation. look forward to seeing you grow. cheers.

    Profile picture

    Byway Travel 2 years ago
