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Olami Akinosho
Principal/TRIPscape Strategist, Travelushious Concierge
Member for 8 Years
Joined October 2016
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About me

Through the eyes of the 8 years old me back then when I first had my journey on the plane to London and Rome which I later schooled in London, I was fascinated by the people of far away lands. The cover image above is from the trip I took & one of my favorite at Elba Island, Tuscany Italy.

As a working class adult before I started my own enterprise I found myself spending 1/3 of my salary on yearly vacations to new destinations.

This background is what became my Brand inspiration at Travelushious Concierge a Travel Media Services Company, member of ASTA, TRAVEL LEADERS & CLIA.

TRIPscape CULTUREscape BEACHscape CITYscape CRUISEscape

Why did you join the community?

To add value to like minded people that believe 'Travel is our Human Right and Culture Travel is How We Break Bordersโ€™

What is your favorite travel destination?

Embanking on building on my Bucket List

Where do you dream of traveling to?

Thailand in the past and presently Cuba

What was your first travel job?

Travel Referral

What do you want to learn more about?

Finding the Ideal Clients for Wellness Travel

Three words that describe why we should travel?

1. Travel is our Human Right 2. Culture is one of the Building Blocks of Humanity and Travel is the way to Break Boarders 3. Let's Travel the Earth without a Footprint

