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Nikolay Nedkov
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Member for 4 Years
Joined August 2020
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  • Hi Erin, Thanks for your comment! Yes, for now car rental content only comes from Our long-term goal is to include more sources (including for flights and accommodation) so that users can get the best prices for their specific geographic loca... show more

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    Wayclix 1 year ago

  • Hi Ian, Great to have feedback from you. This is very encouraging for us. Thanks! - For now, our project is at MVP state and we have an integrated content and we intend to add more content providers as the project develops (we have alre... show more

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    Wayclix 1 year ago

  • Thank you very much :)! We do our best. Testing, feedback, opinions, suggestions for improvements and sharing of our project from the travel community will be invaluable to us. Our goal is to take the travel planning industry to the next level by creati... show more

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    Wayclix 1 year ago

  • Hello, my name is Nikolay and I am the founder of Wayclix. I created the platform with a single goal - to facilitate the organizational process of trips that take days. Most travel websites are like shops with crowded shelves. First shelf - flights, s... show more

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    Wayclix 1 year ago

