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Nick Castrioty
CEO and Co-Founder, AmigoGo
Member for 2 Years
Joined December 2021
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About me

Italian/Argentinean with Greek and Austrian blood as well... travel was always going to be where I landed. Landed in this space out of luck, working as a enterprise architect and then as a product manager for a big travel tech company (Travelport). I've now launched my startup, AmigoGo, which helps solves many of the pains found in organising group holidays. Reach out and share you story as to why you love travel so much as well :)


  • Thanks Ian! Very much appreciate the support ☺️ looking forward to the next chapter 🙌🏼

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    AmigoGo 1 year ago

  • Thanks Hilary! We appreciate your support and any feedback you have about your experience on the app, please do let us know directly at 😍

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    AmigoGo 2 years ago

  • Hi Amigos and Amigas! I'm Nick and I'm the CEO and Co-Founder of AmigoGo. Josh and I started AmigoGo after we planned a trip to NYC with two other degenerate friends 🤣. The process was horrendous, and it took forever to plan, share and agree on fundame... show more

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    AmigoGo 2 years ago

  • Is there an upcoming meet-up in London in the near future? Would definitely be up for meeting up with others in the travel space :)

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    London Travel Massive 2 years ago
