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Leah Ziliak
Coliving Consultant, Coliving Consultant
🔥 Top 12% ✅ Work With Me
Joined 1 year ago
Member since September 2023
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About me

Hi There! 👋 I'm Leah. I'm a digital nomad, and a consultant in the coliving industry. I work with coliving brands to increase leads, build strong communities, and elevate their Customer Experience. If you have any questions about coliving, feel free to reach out!


  • Hi Carles! Sure! Will send you a message. : )

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    Coliving Compass 11 months ago

  • Thanks, Erin! Hope it helps you find a coliving space you love! : )

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    Coliving Compass 11 months ago

  • Hi! 👋 I'm Leah Ziliak. I'm a Coliving Consultant, and co-founder of Coliving Compass. I've worked in coliving for 4+ years now, and I'm always getting asked about my top recommendations. After dozens of conversations, I realized that there really ... show more

    Profile picture

    Coliving Compass 1 year ago

