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Dondon Bales
Founder, Filipino World Travelers
⭐️ Premium Member ✅ Work With Me
Member for 1 Year
Joined July 2023
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About me

Born in the Philippines and living in Australia, I have published a travel book and founded a global community of Filipino World Travelers. I'm an Executive Committee Member for NomadMania and lead its Sustainable Travel Advocacy initiatives..


  • It's great to see a Manila Travel Massive community. The Filipino World Travelers Manila branch looks forward to having a joint meet-up at some point.

    Profile picture

    Manila Travel Massive 19 days ago

  • thanks for the kind words Ric

  • you can check if you're eligible to be an Affiliate here: otherwise you can join as a supporter here:

  • Hello everyone! I'm Dondon Bales, the Founder of the Filipino World Travelers (FWT) global community. Together with my co-leaders Luisa Yu and Abigail Friedrich, we invite you to explore the possibility of becoming an affiliate or supporter! FWT aspir... show more

  • It was great to meet other Travel Massive folks last Tuesday (14 May) with the other world travellers from NomadMania, Couchsurfing, and Filipino World Travelers.

