Hi everyone! Paul here with Water-to-Go. The travel industry gets criticized for contributing to climate change. The task of encouraging more sustainable travel can be challenging but we find small, practical steps (buying local, avoiding single-use plastic, using public transit) can add up to big changes in sustainability. What practical actions do you suggest to encourage more sustainable travel?
This is quite a broad question, but I believe it's about overall sustainability in the way we live, whether we are traveling or not.
In practical terms, I try to stay longer in a destination and carry less (carry on only) on flights. And if possible, stay with friends!
Thanks for your feedback Ian.
The biggest thing is really just to limit the amount of air travel.
Slow travel / staying longer in destinations is a good way to achieve this and just limiting your number of plane trips overall. Hard to acknowledge when you work in this industry but it's by far the biggest change to be made.
Maybe consider a destination nearer to home.
Another thing would be to choose carefully where you're staying. If you're visiting a resort in the desert and it's got a lovely pool, green lawns and a golf course - chances are it's not very sustainable.
Good points. Thanks Peter.
We buy gallon jugs of water to refill our water bottles.
There is a lot before, during and after travel that can help minimize negative and maximize positive impacts - and it should not feel like homework. I recommend to read here: www.earth-changers.com/purpose/ - here (scroll to the bottom): www.gstcouncil.org/for-travelers/ and here: goodtravel.guide