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Moira Edmunds
Director and Registered Professional Tourist Guide, Green Beyond Tours & Travel Company
Member for 7 Years
Joined July 2017
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Because I am an industry professional who is passionate about what I do and I would like to keep up to date with the industry. For networking putposes

What is your favorite travel destination?


Where do you dream of traveling to?

Ethiopia Somalia and Morocco

What was your first travel job?

Conference organiser

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  • Would love to connect

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    JourneyWoman 1 year ago

  • I’d like to link up with your organization. I’m based in South Africa but offer socially responsible and sustainable tours to many Southern African countries including South Africa Namibia Botswana Zimbabwe Mozambique coastal Kenya Zanzibar Madagascar M... show more

  • What is your email address please. Mine is

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    TravelSisters 1 year ago

  • Hi I am a woman owned travel business in South Africa but covering a number of Southern African countries. Would I be able to join this app as a provider of services for women only tours and travel

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    TravelSisters 1 year ago