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Jennifer Martinek
Freelance Travel Writer
Member for 6 Years
Joined August 2017
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About me

I currently hold a full-time job working at a call center for a health insurance company; however, I am following my dream of writing, and since I love travel and I love writing I figured this was the best route to go. So far I've got two published clips in the local newspaper in my town, and I'm getting ready to do a 3rd article. I am hoping that once I get a few more under my belt my dream of going overseas has always been to go to Ireland which is where both my husband and I families have come from and we've always wanted to go there . So far I've done extensive research on different areas in Ireland that I do want to go to and that are quite fascinating to me.

Why did you join the community?

I want to join because I am new at Travel writing and want to learn and gain the information needed to query larger magazines for my article ideas.

Where do you dream of traveling to?


What was your first travel job?

Pymatuning Spillway

What do you want to learn more about?

What steps I have to take to get a magazine to either pay for my expenses to go to Ireland or how to get discounted rates and/or possibly having a guide show me around the areas specific to where I need to travel once there.

