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Daniel Diosi
Founder @ GuestRadar, GuestRadar
Member for 1 Year
Joined March 2023
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About me

Entrepreneur and hotel marketing professional, traveled around the world, and have been involved in the online business development of dozens of hotels, mostly in Asia. Since I was always more interested in data and analytics than hotels, starting from 2018 I pivoted to data, analytics, and business intelligence. Today I am the founder of GuestRadar, a predictive real-time hotel market intelligence software company.

Why did you join the community?

To network and participate in the community


  • Hi Gary, I can answer this from both hotel management and SaaS vendor perspectives. Most high-end hotels will have something similar in place already. Several resorts I work with as a consultant will prefer to sell services and experiences at full price... show more

  • Hi Ian, Thanks for your positive comment, it's very encouraging. Domestic markets will be added to each destination shortly, and it will be available for every user who subscribed already. In the next planned major update, each market will be broke... show more

    Profile picture

    GuestRadar 1 year ago

  • We're thrilled to announce the launch of our free beta version of our hotel market intelligence platform, which provides hotel marketers with access to destination-specific predictive market insights in real-time. With GuestRadar, you can easily monitor... show more

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    GuestRadar 1 year ago

  • WooCommerce, Google Site Kit and Hubspot
