This weekend, Telegram's CEO and Founder Pavel Durov was arrested when he landed in France. There's a hundred news articles about it if you'd like to learn the specifics.
Here's a story about it from Wired:
You might be wondering what this story has to do with travel, or Travel Massive.
If you're a member of Travel Massive, you've probably heard of Telegram or use it. It's a chat app similar to WhatsApp, Messenger, LINE (popular in Thailand, Japan), KakaoTalk (Korea), WeChat (China), etc. If you travel to parts of Central Asia, Russia, or Indonesia you'll probably need Telegram to keep in touch with locals you meet.
In terms of community building, Telegram excels at group chat. For example — we've got an Almaty Travel Massive Telegram group that is very active with our community in Kazakhstan. I'm a regular user of Telegram and keep in touch with a few people on it from other countries, thanks to the in-built translat...