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Noah Tompkins
Marketing & Communications, Chargetrip
Member for 1 Year
Joined May 2023
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About me

Canadian traveler living in Europe, working in the EV industry and interested in how travel will change with EVs


  • This doesn't use WLTP or EPA. Each vehicle has its own energy consumption model built by Chargetrip and the calculations themselves account for external variables including elevation, road surface, driving speed, and weather. This is what makes this so... show more

  • Eating. Food is life. I have a friend who gave me a philosophy for food travel that I have now adopted. Everywhere you go, find: - What people's grandmothers cook - What people eat when they're drunk

  • Hey everyone! We've built this tool for the growing number of travellers looking doing roadtrips in electric vehicles. It's hard to properly visualize how far an EV can drive. Particularly for road trips and travel, many people are hesitant to use an E... show more