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Founder, Real Work From Anywhere
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Member since July 2024
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About me

I am an independent developer. I am working on to help folks find jobs from anywhere in the world.


  • Hello Heather, Thanks for flagging it. I curate all the jobs myself. But there are some edge cases where some job listings may make it through my filtering. I am working hard to prevent such cases. I really appreciate you taking the time to let me know... show more

  • Not even close! I just went to Dynamite jobs and saw that all the jobs on the home page is restricted to a certain location. Real Work From Anywhere is all about 100% fully work from anywhere jobs. Also your argument doesn't hold if you can trust jobs ... show more

  • Interesting feedback Ian, a filter for timezone makes sense, I'll add it in the coming iterations. Thank you.

  • Thank you Neil :)

  • Yeah, I am trying to include the compensation details too. I am indicating the date posted to let users know if the listing is old. The general rule of thumb is that job postings are active for 30 days.
