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Nancy D. Brown
Editor & Writer, & freelance
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Member for 8 Years
Joined October 2015
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About me

Nancy D. Brown is a freelance writer specializing in luxury and equestrian travel. She has written for Shape magazine, Diablo magazine, At Home Tennessee magazine, Chicago Tribune, Oakland Tribune, San Jose Mercury News, 7x7 magazine and inflight magazines, among others. Additionally, she owns and operates What a Trip, and Writing Horseback Her blog features Insider Travel Tips, while Writing Horseback is a guide to horseback riding vacations for slow travelers. An accredited APR public relations professional, Nancy specializes in digital media and marketing consulting. When not on the road, she lives in Eugene, Oregon with her husband.

Why did you join the community?

Verified travel influencer networking

What is your favorite travel destination?

Anywhere I'm able to go horseback riding. Norway is a favorite destination

Where do you dream of traveling to?

Safari on horseback in Africa and riding in Mongolia & Iceland

What was your first travel job?

Freelance Travel Columnist Contra Costa Times

What do you want to learn more about?

Equestrian Travel

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Connection, exploration, inspiration


  • I enjoyed this truffle hunting video. Who wouldn’t want to join this UnTour in Europe? Sounds fun & delicious.

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    Slow Travel Films 8 months ago

  • I’d love to go horseback riding here!

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    Slow Travel Films 8 months ago

  • Hope to make it to Africa one day and experience the horse cart. Mine was the Swedish Farm video on slow equestrian travel. I’m based in Oregon and specialize in equestrian travel holidays.

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    Slow Travel Films 8 months ago

  • I’m taking the train from Amsterdam to Switzerland in March 2024. Looking forward to traveling in Switzerland via train.

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    Slow Travel Films 8 months ago

  • I’m curious what member submitted this short film? I’m a new resident to Oregon and would love to experience and write about the High Desert Food Trail.

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    Slow Travel Films 8 months ago
