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Corinne Hogge
Director of Marketing, Pack Up + Go
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Joined 11 months ago
Member since October 2023
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United States
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  • Yes! We have more than 30 interests from which travelers can choose to help influence their destination. We also have several questions about your travel history (including any places you specifically don't want to go) to help the Travel Planning Team d... show more

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    Pack Up + Go 9 months ago

  • Hi there! I am the Director of Marketing with Pack Up + Go! We have sent more than 40,000 travelers to over 300 destinations around the US on Surprise Vacations. Pack Up + Go offers 4 Trip Types: • Plane Trips • Road Trips • Outdoors Road Trips • You ... show more

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    Pack Up + Go 10 months ago

  • Hi Eric! I highly recommend Delicious Denver Food Tours. I have taken a tour and they take you to a wide variety of restaurants and teach you the history of the food, as well as offer delicious bites.