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Shiitake Creative

Looking for Digital Nomad influencers to participate in a Tourism Campaign in Japan

Japan has introduced a new visa for digital nomads, and the government aims to promote the country as a digital nomad destination. Our Japan-based company, Shiitake Creative, is participating in a bidding to the Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO) for a project related to digital nomad promotion of Japan.

About the Digital Nomad Campaign

This project will involve a total of four digital nomads coming to Japan to experience Japan as a digital nomad destination and promote their experience through their channels. The four will also be interviewed locally about their experiences.

Who we are looking for:

• Two people from North America, Europe and/or Oceania
• Two people from Asia
• Can travel to and within Japan for at least one week as a digital nomad
• Dates: somewhere between October 2024 and January 2025.)
• Can promote their experience on their blog, social media or other media platforms
• Have influence in their respective digital nomad communities

How to register your interest:

Please register your interest (or recommendations) to with the subject line "Digital Nomad Influencer" to be considered for this project. We will contact shortlisted candidates with more details about the project, including travel dates, payment conditions, and details of the actual trip.

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Delicious Discoveries

FAM for Travel Bloggers/Influencers: Toronto Food & Walking Tour

Delicious DIscoveries is offering a FAM Experience/Complimentary Tour for Travel Bloggers/Influencers.

Come join a Delicious Discoveries Food & Walking Experience in Toronto's St. Clair West & Casa Loma Neighbourhoods.

• Date: Wednesday, September 4, 2024 at 11:00 AM
• Starts in St. Clair West neighbourhood, ends near Casa Loma
• Approximately 3.5 hours long/5km with lots of breaks
• 5 different local food outlets + snacks
• Knowledgeable local guide to provide historical, architectural, contextual, + fun facts

Check out our website: for more details.

To be considered, please send an email to and include your name, your Instagram handle, your website and any additional details you'd like to include to let us know why you should be considered for this opportunity. Up to 8 spots available.

Deadline: 11:59 pm August 31, 2024

Toronto, ON

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