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Ultan OBrien
VP Sales, Arconics a ViaSat company
Member for 8 Years
Joined June 2015
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About me

Passionate about Technology in Travel, particularly the disruptive stuff....

I enjoy rolling up my sleeves and getting stuck into solving some of the big challenges in the Travel industry today. I try to bring a fresh point of view, a creative approach and have fun along the way. Over the past 5 years I have been lucky enough to have been involved in developing solutions and help scaling two early stage Dublin travel tech businesses into recognised global leaders. "Retail inMotion" is a leading global inflight retail specialist. "Boxever" is a leader in providing predictive marketing, big data analytics and personalization solutions for some of the largest and most innovative airlines and OTA's in the world.

I am driven by commercialising innovative ideas, understanding the industry and market by spending time talking to customer, partner and competitors and I love selling solutions that I believe can make a real impact. I have worked in retail, pharma, telco, payments and medical devices prior to travel......but I'm firmly hooked on travel...... hook, line and sinker.....!!

What is your favorite travel destination?

Rome - all roads lead to Rome - I can go back again and again and enjoy every time. Bora Bora a close second.

Where do you dream of traveling to?

Galapagos. Japan. Patagonia. Space. I'd also like to discover more of French Polynesia.

What was your first travel job?

When I was 8 years old I did an Advert for the IDA promoting Ireland as a destination, then as VP Sales & Marketing Retail in Motion

What do you want to learn more about?

Everything....but specifically digital innovation that can change the passenger journey and travelling experience

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Broaden our minds

