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Susan Hartzler
Dog Travel Expert, Dog Travel Gear
Member for 2 Years
Joined June 2022
Verified member
Oxnard, CA
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About me

I'm an accomplished author, award-winning writer, seasoned blogger, and savvy Public Relations Consultant, but my true passion lies in being a die-hard dog lover. Alongside my beloved Australian Shepherds, Seven and Paige Turner, I embark on adventures exploring dog friendly destinations and sharing our escapades with the world through a variety of publications, ranging from the digital realm of, to glossy spreads inside Fido Friendly Magazine, and California 101 Traveler’s Guide, among others. As the creative force behind the online shop Dog Travel Gear, I share tips and trips for other dog lovers on the Paws on the Go blog.

In 2021, my debut memoir, "I’m Not Single I Have a Dog: Dating Tales From The Bark Side," was published by McFarland Publishing and is available at the McFarland or Amazon websites. I’m gearing up for my next McFarland release, "The Peace Puppy: A Memoir of Caregiving and Canine Solace," available for pre-order on McFarland or Amazon. Currently, I’m working on my next project with the same publisher, delving into the world of therapy dogs.

Why did you join the community?

To get assignments in dog-friendly travel and to promote my new website, Dog Travel Gear,

What is your favorite travel destination?


Where do you dream of traveling to?

Nowhere, I live at a dog friendly beach. Doesn't get much better than this!

What was your first travel job?

PR for Post Ranch Inn and Cousteau Fiji Islands Resort

What do you want to learn more about?

How to monetize my blog

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Adventure, dog fun, relaxation


