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Shama Zehra
Founder & CEO, Jetzy
Member for 1 Year
Joined June 2023
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About me

Shama Zehra is the Founder and CEO of Jetzy. Shama is a serial entrepreneur and has built several successful businesses in technology, financial services and fashion space. Shama began her career as one of the youngest female entrepreneurs in Pakistan where she started a women apparel firm with her mother and sister when she was 16. Within a few years, Shama had opened a small factory and three sales channels (1. retail store, 2. sales via department stores, 3. exports), and successfully sold the business at the age of 19. Shama’s passion for travel and technology led her to brand the first frequent flyer credit card in Pakistan, spearhead mobile and interactive voice responder (IVR) applications in early 2000’s in South Asia (pre-US market adoption) and take pilot training aspiring to become the second female pilot in Pakistan. Shama’s most recent venture is Aligned Independent Advisors. An alum of Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, Shama’s entrepreneurial vision and success has been the subject of cover stories on Forbes, Crains, and several other publications. Shama holds two MBA degrees: one in Finance & Strategy from Michigan Ross School, and second in International Business from IBA, Karachi (the oldest business school outside North America to award an MBA degree formed in affiliation with Wharton, University of Pennsylvania). Shama lives in New York City and enjoys travel, ski, barre, pilates, and adventure sports.

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