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Peter Trowles
Owner, Cultural Perspectives Limited
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Member for 4 Years
Joined November 2019
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About me

Cultural Perspectives Limited, is a small, independently owned business providing services to tourism, heritage and the arts. We offer bespoke, short break cultural tours to destinations in Scotland, the UK and across Europe. We also provide consultancy services for arts and heritage organisations, including support with projects and exhibitions.

Why did you join the community?

As a relatively new business I look forward to developing networking opportunities, locally, nationally and internationally.

What is your favorite travel destination?

Norway, but actually anywhere that leaves you happy and relaxed!

Where do you dream of traveling to?

New Zealand (North Island)

What was your first travel job?

Certaldo Alto, a charming hilltop town in central Tuscany

What do you want to learn more about?

The importance of the personalised holiday experience?

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Explore, Experience, Enjoy.


  • I’d perhaps quantify educational travel under two headers. Firstly, there are those who choose to pursue a specific ‘educational’ vacation where they are interested in being introduced to new ‘hands-on’ hobbies/crafts etc or given the opportunity to dev... show more

  • I particularly like the ‘Orientation and Lunch’ day trip idea. As an independent traveller you're not looking to be guided throughout your entire holiday stay, but the likelihood is that the advanced planning for your trip has been done purely through o... show more

  • It has to be Hida beef from Takayama

  • Some years back, being taken to the Vítkovice Iron and Steel works in Ostrava, Czech Republic. It had recently closed down and there was no agreed plan as what to do with it. Instead, it had become an unofficial night time venue with impromptu live musi... show more

  • Currently working on a European Cultural Route project that celebrates 20th century Totalitarian architecture and this certainly qualifies. Info at