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Michelle Streeter
Vice President, Communications & Partner Relations, Visit Mesa
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Member for 6 Years
Joined September 2018
Verified member
Mesa, Arizona
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About me

Michelle Streeter currently manages three departments at Visit Mesa: Communications, Digital Strategies/Social Media and Partner Relations. Michelle began her career as a member of the public relations team at Experience Scottsdale and served as their Director of Public Relations (2001-2007). Michelle executed a variety of destination promotions from working alongside Iron Chef Bobby Flay to hosting exclusive events at the James Beard House, Gourmet Magazine Test Kitchen and even courting film crews from CNN, CBS Morning News, Live!, Samantha Brown's Travel Channel series and the Today Show. Just after arriving in Mesa, The Arizona Republic touted Michelle as Mesa's newest cheerleader. Her career highlights include securing full-length feature stories in Los Angeles Times,, Chicago Tribune, Cosmopolitan, USA Today, New York Times and other notable national media outlets. Michelle developed the award-winning Fresh Foodie Trail and Limitless Geo Tagging Adventure winning the Arizona Office of Tourism Grand Pitch prize award of more than $115K in national marketing placements for Visit Mesa. She wrote scripts and was a co-producer on a six-part feature television series, Discover Mesa, that earned a prestigious Telly Award. She is a recent graduate of the Penn State Executive Program completing a course in Digital Marketing for Hospitality Executives (2016) and working on her content marketing certification through PRSA (2018). Her responsibilities cross over into Marketing, Advertising and Social Media Management, and she continues to guide and craft top message points and brand positions for Mesa in national and international news streams and outlets.

Why did you join the community?

I will be both hosting and attending Travel Massive events.

What is your favorite travel destination?


What was your first travel job?

Director of Public Relations at Experience Scottsdale

