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Marko Tadic
Founder, Mr.M by Marko Tadic
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Member for 6 Years
Joined December 2018
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About me

Who is Mr.M? Well, I am wondering the same thing!

Let’s start from Hello! I am very excited to have you here on my profile!

Who is Mr.M? Mr.M is not just the blog, it is a story about one traveling fashionista who is living somewhere between Belgrade (Serbia) and Berlin (Germany) with more than 450k monthly readers.

An ordinary young man, an eternal dreamer. He had always been outstanding person of his generation, searching for something more than life as usual. Mr.M by Marko Tadic, is not an ordinary blog. It’s a story about the life and things that surround us every day, such as fashion, travel and many other beautiful things…

Mr.M shows people reality in a different – positive way. People, today are too busy, but each of us loves having own “5 minutes” to read something interesting and of course to relax a little.

Mr.M by Marko Tadic is a place for true fashion enthusiasts, where they can enjoy! Just prepare a cup of coffee, or some nice tea and good sweet treat and you can start with exploring the latest fashion stories and travel adventures on Mr.M by Marko Tadic!

Since now I collaborated with many National, Regional and Cities Tourism Boards around the world and in Europe as well.

Have you ever heard something about “the Urban Classic Lifestyle”? You did not?! I’m pleased to introduce you!

Best regards,


Why did you join the community?

I would like to improve my blog and to connect with my colleagues other bloggers and with people from travel industry.

What is your favorite travel destination?


Where do you dream of traveling to?


What was your first travel job?

Collaboration with Slovenian Tourism Board

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Happiness, Knowledge, Adventure