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Marissa Anwar
Managing Director, Editorial and Partnerships, Darling Escapes
🤘 Rockstar 🚀 Top 5% ✅ Work With Me
Member for 8 Years
Joined October 2015
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About me

Marissa Anwar is an NYC and Toronto based marketing and growth executive, and is the Managing Director of Darling Escapes; one of the first and largest female travel communities created on Instagram.

You can find me either behind the camera taking photos or behind the mic talking to some of travel's most fascinating people for the Darling Escapes podcast.

Why did you join the community?

I'm a travel blogger, and would love to connect with others who are passionate about travel, too!

What is your favorite travel destination?


Where do you dream of traveling to?


Three words that describe why we should travel?

People. Food. Culture
