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Jessica James
History And Travel Writer, Past Lane Travels And Jessica James Books
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Member for 3 Years
Joined July 2021
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About me

Jessica James is an award-winning author, freelance journalist and travel blogger. She combines her passion for history and travel by blogging about off-the-beaten path or almost-forgotten history sites in the U.S.
ITWA member

Why did you join the community?

I'm an award-winning author and journalist now writing articles that combine my passions for travel and history.

What is your favorite travel destination?

Historic sites in the U.S., especially Southern states.

What do you want to learn more about?

Off-the-beaten path sites and almost-forgotten history.

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Education Entertainment Adventure


  • This is a great thread because it affects people in every industry. I am (was) actually a full-time novelist. Trying to keep up with churning out "the next book," editing, formatting, marketing, etc. made the process of writing no longer enjoyable. I tu... show more


