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Aileen A.
Entrepreneur, Travel Writer, & Digital Nomad,
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Member for 9 Years
Joined April 2015
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About me

At 21, I quit my job in the Philippines to travel the world. Today, I am a digital nomad and entrepreneur living a sustainable travel lifestyle ★ My mission? To show you that a life of travel is absolutely possible; take it from me, a non-rich Filipina who is exploring the globe on a third world passport!

As a travel blogger, I have a highly-engaged community who have made me as a trusted resource for travel tips, hacks, destinations, accommodations, and more. Since 2014, has already gained worldwide exposure as it has been featured on big websites like BBC Travel, Lonely Planet, National Geographic, among many others.

CURRENTLYIN: The Philippines

Why did you join the community?

I want to connect with like-minded individuals in order to make travel better.