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Cwy Mandindi
Member for 3 Years
Joined April 2021
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About me

Based in Johannesburg, South Africa, Chwayita Cwy Mandindi is a marketing professional and micro-influencer in the travel industry. She's previously served as the marketing manager for the South African Broadcasting Corporation. During her time here she used her client-centered approach and creative mindset to improve product marketing goals. Cwy played a key role in crafting communication initiatives and branding strategies to improve listenership. Learn more at!

Over her entire marketing career Cwy has kept her value of creativity at the front of everything she does. She used her many skills to establish Soweto TV, a South African community television channel broadcasting across the biggest township in South Africa. Cwy is also a member of the Marketing Association of South Africa and Black Management Forum. This membership has helped her grow her own leadership skills, in turn helping others pursue their own success.

As a travel micro-influencer, Cwy looks to live her best life, showing that through her passion for travel. She hopes to continue to grow in the travel industry.

Why did you join the community?

I want to connect with other marketing professionals in the travel industry as that's my professional focus.

What is your favorite travel destination?

I think Mexico, Morrrocco and The Netherlands- they both had a combination of culture, art and history, an active nightlife, sightseeing, adventure, interesting learnings around their local drinks and legal shenanigans and a little shopping.

Where do you dream of traveling to?

Antarctica - I'm really curious about the sort of life one would live in the remote wilderness we've only ever seen featured in documentaries, movies & National Geographic texts.

What do you want to learn more about?

I enjoy learning about the cultures, tribes and religions and music of other countries. I tend to collect music and tracks from the cities I go to. I also love knowing the modern evolution of cities and how they've embraced technology.

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Enlightenment, Knowledge, Endless memories

