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Claus Andersen
Freelance tour guide and travel consultant and travel blogger.
Member for 6 Years
Joined July 2018
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About me

I have worked in travel and tourism since 1990. I currently work as a freelance tour guide and travel consultant and is on the road +300 days a year. I am also blogging about my travels. I have been to +75 countries and generally visit at least 20 countries every year.

Why did you join the community?

I work as a freelancer in travel and tourism and have done so for more than 25 years.

What is your favorite travel destination?

I like the entire world.

Where do you dream of traveling to?

Every single country I have not been to yet.

What was your first travel job?

Working at the Youth Hostel in Munich back in 1990.

What do you want to learn more about?

Everything travel & tourism related.

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Cause we can.


  • Great video Patrycja. As a person who makes a living from my travels, I can very much identify with you. Being 55 years old, I started my journey long before there was something called travel blogging or digital nomads. I spent my first years travelling... show more

  • In terms of my own year in travel and tourism, then I am already booked solid for most of the year. 2024 has been my best year ever as a freelancer in tourism. I am mostly focused on freelance tour leading at the moment, as there is a massive shottage ... show more

  • Talking about the Indian tourists, then I come across them all the time and talk to people who work with Indian tour groups. The thing that seems to give my colleges the biggest headaches, when it comes to Indian tourists, is that the vast majority of I... show more

  • Great. Henrik is a really cool guy that I enjoyed traveling with. We had good times in Gambia, Senegal and Aarhus.

  • Thank you Ric and greetings from Porto, where I just had a nice dinner, after a long day of work, taking people to world class wineries :-)


