Christopher John D'souza
Director Up & Away American Express Travel Services
Member for 9 Years
Joined August 2015
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About me


Just like an airline’s central command monitors all its aircraft's, I am am a global logistics expert, using my bases in San Diego to communicate with far-flung parts of the globe to coordinate and ensure smooth movement of my clients

At other times, I may be working on my laptop on my hotel balcony in Shanghai or striding with my smartphone through the hustle and bustle of Mumbai. Yet no matter where I am, I am all about connecting business travelers to new clients and markets all over the world.

Welcome to the world of the new global travel manager who can sit anywhere in the world, and make things happen. For D’Souza, the whole world is one big souk, one bustling, exciting marketplace.

“I am able to offer my clients the emerging markets of Brazil, Russia, China and India and the United States, right from San Diego, that’s how connected I am globally with my affiliates around the world.

I seem to have wanderlust built into my DNA.

Whereas other travel managers are often armchair travelers, planning trips they may never themselves take, I have personally experienced what I speaks of. My client Arjun Saigal, a shipping magnate and long time client of , puts it, “I have felt that most of the suggestions that Chris has provided me during my interactions with him for my various travel needs were to a great extent based on his personal firsthand experience.

Indeed, travel seems to be embedded in my genes. I grew up on the beautiful isle of Goa, which is swept by the ocean and the tides seem to bring in thousands of tourists every day. My father, Capt. O.J. D’Souza, was the nautical advisor to the Government of India . It was their enthralling stories of far-off places and cultures which got me passionately involved in travel.

He came to New York when he was just 20 and built his American Dream from scratch. It was a love affair with the Big Apple at first sight: “New York is so exhilarating, the fast pace just keeps me going. I walk to work which is just nine avenues from where I live,” he says. Now I live in America's best city San Diego.

“I was able to visualize what I wanted from my life here in America and continue to achieve everything I want, right from my home which overlooks the Ocean to my wonderful and challenging career in the travel industry.”

At the same time, what can be a better teacher than travel itself? I have traveled to 103 countries, and so understand the pleasures and pitfalls of journeys.

“I reached the top of the globe in Iceland and experienced the spouting geysers in a land where it is so cold on the outside but so refreshing and warm in the geysers,” Live, Life and Experience.

Why did you join the community?

Travel is my DNA.

What is your favorite travel destination?


Where do you dream of traveling to?


What was your first travel job?


What do you want to learn more about?

The world and its people

Three words that describe why we should travel?

