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Brian Marrinan
Managing Partner, Journey Partners
🤘 Rockstar
Member for 6 Years
Joined June 2018
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About me

I'm an investor in early stage innovations in the aviation and travel technology sectors. An active traveller myself, I've been to 32 countries in the last 12 months and love learning about new destinations.

Why did you join the community?

I joined because I am passionate about innovation and entrepreneurship in travel and aviation

What is your favorite travel destination?

Medellin, Colombia

Where do you dream of traveling to?


What was your first travel job?

Co-Lead at Propeller Shannon

What do you want to learn more about?

New innovations and startups in the aviation or traveltech space

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Mind opening adventure!


  • I totally agree with Andrew and Scott. I'm lucky enough to have been a subscriber to Mauricio's newsletter for quite a while now and it's one of the few that never comes on my "should I unsubscibe to clear up my inbox?" list! Insightful data, combined... show more

  • Maria, Fantastic info from Ian here. What you'll often find is that most consumer VC brands have at least one travel company in their portfolio as well, so don't be afraid to try regular VC's. I see the company is already 11 years old, so you would ... show more
