Prague Travel Meetup is an event created 100% for travel lovers.
You can meet people who don't think you're crazy for leaving your country, family, friends and starting a new life in a different place without a return ticket.
The goal of this event is to have a drink together, share experiences and information about our countries and travels. It is also a good way to meet people to go around Prague, Czech or wherever you want.
Everyone is welcome: travelers, locals, expats, travel professionals, digital nomads, and so on.
The meeting will take place at Coffice Prague, located 100 meters from Namesti Miru. There is a bar and enough space for everyone to be comfortable.
If you have any question/suggestion, please Contact Us:
COFFICE: +420 774 890 273
NOMAD SOCIETY: +420 776 186 313
👉 You can also register on Facebook (please RSVP here too) at: fb.me/e/duFyBrEzH
Prague Travel Meetup je událost vytvoĹ™ená na mĂru milovnĂkĹŻ cestovánĂ.
Je totiĹľ moĹľnĂ© potkat lidi, kteřà si nemyslĂ, Ĺľe jste blázen, pokud jste opustili svou zemi, rodinu a přátele a zaÄŤali novĂ˝ Ĺľivot na jinĂ©m mĂstÄ› bez zpáteÄŤnĂ letenky.
CĂlem tĂ©to akce je dát si spoleÄŤnÄ› drink, sdĂlet zážitky a informace o našich zemĂch a cestách. Je to takĂ© dobrĂ˝ zpĹŻsob, jak se seznámit s novĂ˝mi lidmi a usnadnit si tak objevovánĂ Prahy, ÄŚeska nebo kterĂ©hokoliv jinĂ©ho mĂsta, kterĂ© vás zajĂmá.
Všichni jsou vĂtáni: cestovatelĂ©, mĂstnĂ obyvatelĂ©, expati, odbornĂci z oblasti cestovnĂho ruchu, digitálnĂ nomádi a tak dále.
SetkánĂ se bude konat v prostorách Coffice Prague, kterĂ© se nacházĂ 100 metrĹŻ od NámÄ›stĂ MĂru. Na mĂstÄ› je k dispozici bar a dostatek prostoru pro pohodlĂ kaĹľdĂ©ho.
Máte-li jakýkoli dotaz/návrh, neváhejte nás kontaktovat:
COFFICE: +420 774 890 273 www.facebook.com/cofficeprague
NOMAD SOCIETY: +420 776 186 313 www.facebook.com/NomadSociety.cz/
By participating in our events, you agree to be photographed and/or filmed that might be shared on our social/ commercial purposes.
We will respect government restrictions/instructions regarding events and venues.