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Zenepa Lika-Privat
CEO, MSJA-Dr Martin Schneider-Jacoby Association
Member for 4 Years
Joined November 2020
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About me

By profession I am an architect. My commitment to nature conservation & protection is closely related to my profession as an architect. For me it is the ambience that determines the architecture, not the other way around. After a short taster course in the position of the deputy mayor of my birth town Ulcinj, in May 2016 together with the former ambassador Gudrun Steinacker and Friends we founded the Dr Martin Schneider-Jacoby Association (MSJA) with the aim to support and promote the protection of the Ulcinj Salina at the local level. Since than our organisation is working active in raising awareness and together with the #SaveSalina Project partners Euronatur, Czip, Birdlife and Tour du Valat and the financial support of the MAVA Foundation we achieved to at least get the Ulcinj Salina foramly protected.

What is your favorite travel destination?


Where do you dream of traveling to?

the whole world

What was your first travel job?

Piran / Slovenia

What do you want to learn more about?

Promoting sustainability & nature protection

Three words that describe why we should travel?

explore,learn,cultural diversity


