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Maartje Smit
Fulltime Traveller & Freelance Writer, Wanderlicious
Member for 8 Years
Joined October 2015
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About me

I started to be a full-time traveller on the 6th of april 2012, it was the first day of my new life. I was ready to board my flight to Cancun with, what I called, "a one way ticket to paradise." At that time, I didn't know that I wouldn't come back for a very long time. I had no idea what to expect. Well, I was guessing that it would be amazing, but I didn't know that this was the beginning of a new chapter: "The best time of my life…."

Before I left I had everything what I always wanted. I had a fantastic job managing projects in the IT, a comfortable salary, owned a house with my boyfriend, drove an Audi and was surrounded by the bestest friends… I can tell you, I joined the rat race, I’d conformed to society’s expectations, I was 28 years young and all I had to do was live the rest of my life… Right!? Yet something kept coming to the forefront of my mind over and over again. After a couple of years of this lifestyle the routine had settled in and I started to think…IS THIS IT??

Making a big life change is not easy, it's scary! Especially because I loved my job, I loved my life and everyone and everything in it. But I couldn’t live with asking myself the "IS THIS IT" question all the time. I wanted to travel! I wanted freedom! I didn’t want any commitment! I decided to take the risk, I quitted my job, sold everything I owned, got rid of all the unnecessary insurances and stepped out of my comfort zone in the hope miracles would happen. And they did, and still do. I am not rich, I am not a trust fund baby and I didn’t won the lottery. I saved money by having my fulltime job for 4 years and I sold everything I owned. Now I live on a budget and work along the way so I can do this hopefully until I’m done, not until my money last…

On the road I experience another way of living then the most of us. I travel through and live in different countries. I develop the best of friendships with different nationalities. I try new (scary) things on a daily basis. I meet the most interesting people around the world. I eat food I never tasted before. I immerse myself in new cultures. I fall in love with places and people. I'm curious and look beyond what is right in front of me. I Take risks, a lot of risks. I get crazy, really crazy.... And all that makes for good stories, funny stories, interesting stories..

Why did you join the community?

I love to connect with like-minded people and off course because I wanna be part of something Massive!

What is your favorite travel destination?

Galapagos islands

Where do you dream of traveling to?


What was your first travel job?

Travel agent

What do you want to learn more about?

Different Cultures, Different People, Different Places

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Learn Live Love
