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Selma Ohlsson
Photographer, Expressions Photography by Andre & Selma
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Member for 9 Years
Joined March 2015
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About me

We’re a boy and girl photography team who said: “We do” ourselves, a few years ago.
We’re uncomplicated people. Collectively we like the sea when it’s stormy and splashing in a farm dam when the sun is beating down. We drool over anything Italian and we could spend hours in a bookshop. Furry creatures tug at our heartstrings and you won’t go wrong if you serve us sushi or curry. We can’t be without music.
We love exploring. You’ll often find our noses in a map book planning our next trip along a dusty back road. We always take the long way around. We dislike feeling at home when we are abroad. We believe the little things are the big things.

What is your favorite travel destination?


Where do you dream of traveling to?


What was your first travel job?

Destination wedding in Germany

What do you want to learn more about?

Destination photography

Three words that describe why we should travel?

The journey matters