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Lanese Carstens
Hospitality Consultant and Owner, Nurturing Revenue
Member for 1 Year
Joined March 2023
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About me

A true people person and a highly self-motivated individual, I love the commercial, sales and operations side of the tourism and especially hospitality industry, as well as being guest-facing. Experienced hotelier with a demonstrated history of working across various industries (hospitality, travel, digital marketing). Skilled in Revenue, Reservations, Key Accounts Management, Client Relationship/Trade Partnership Management, Sales and Marketing & Digital Marketing.

Now branching out to guide various hotels, lodges and resorts with auditing reservations & revenue systems and departments, identifying issues and bottlenecks, helping to resolve these with training and new processes, and project managing any implementations that are required.

Why did you join the community?

Looking to network and meet like-minded individuals.