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Colin Murray
Founder, One Horizon Africa
Member for 3 Years
Joined April 2021
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Networking is the back bone of this industry and I love meeting new people and understanding what they do and how they do it

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Where do you dream of traveling to?

The Sahara Desert

What was your first travel job?

Tour guide

What do you want to learn more about?

The emerging trends in tourism

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Educational, insightful, rewarding, incredible


  • From the Tour Operators perspective, you've nailed it. And if you do your math correctly, you will conclude that you are better to put some of your marketing dollars elsewhere. When you look at the major Tour Operators who also flood their products o... show more

  • Well done, Richard. I totally understand where you are coming from. If I can help in any way, please let me know but you have started a great debate and that is terrific.

  • Hi Richard -please don't take that as a criticism. But I think the word 'slow' has some inherent negative connotations. I understood what you were trying to say in that people can take the time to have an experience that is really enriching (rather t... show more

  • I think the article is excellent. Not sure about the name though. But this is the first really serious article that we have seen on the concepts espoused here. We at One Horizon Africa have built our entire business around these concepts for over ... show more
